This Kid Drilling A Full-Court Putt For A Free Car Is Without A Doubt The Only Good Thing To Happen To Auburn Today

Hey, at least Auburn has this going for them. Not like they blew a game they easily could have won against No. 2 and bitter rival Alabama. Instead Brandon Miller looked like the best freshman in the country, Alabama looked like the best team in the country and they closed the game as good as you could ask for. But this is about the putt. What a putt it was. 

We've seen some full court putts but now it has me debating. We've seen people win like $10k for drilling this. Give me that over the car. You're in college. You don't need a car in college, especially in the south. Just walk to most places or use the app on your phone where a car shows up and you get in. Back in my day we had to actually get a taxi up a hill both ways. Nothing worse than sitting there just hoping the headlights coming down the road would be a cab. 

Tough way for history not to repeat itself: 

Give me the money over the car any day of the week. 

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